FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023 – Italy vs South Africa

Freezing our socks off down at the waterfront

Wellington Batucada drummers at the FIFA Women's World Cup, Italy vs South Africa - photo by Satya Priyomarsono

Our second evening gig for the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023 was on a blustery, utterly FREEZING night in early August. Truly the middle of winter – and it felt like it.

I still can’t quite believe our dancers didn’t just keel over with the sheer bitterness of the weather. They don’t get to wear thermals hidden under their costumes like the band can, and I could see the icy wind just whipping their flimsy outfits around like frozen autumn leaves as they danced in front of us.

Wellington Batucada dancers at the FIFA Women's World Cup, Italy vs South Africa - photo by Satya Priyomarsono

Darryn was our director for this gig, and he led us through our repertoire of pieces in fine fashion. After a short static performance at the top of the steps underneath the sails at Queen’s Wharf we headed off on a circuit around the waterfront. There weren’t many people around (too cold!) but those that had braved the elements were super-appreciative of our efforts, which was nice.

We completed the gig back at Queen’s Wharf, where I was able to persuade Darryn to let us have two extra minutes in the cold in order to get a team photo, taken by a helpful passer-by. Thanks missus! It’s a great pic.

Batucada team photo at the FIFA Women's World Cup, Italy vs South Africa - photo by AliG

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Photos by Alison Green, Ginas Bellygees, Joseph Fecteau, Kelly Etuata, Satya Priyomarsono and Yin Zhu. Click on any thumbnail to see the larger version:

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