Wellington Batucada, AKSamba, and SambaTron get together for the weekend
What can we say about the Hastings Blossom Festival?
We go every year, we love it – it’s like an annual school trip for the band, we get to stay over and hang out at the marae and do daft party-piece performances for each other, and best of all, we get to hang out with sambaistas from some of the other batteria around the country and perform together in the Blossom Festival parade. What’s not to like?
Hastings Blossom Festival, video 1 – Samba
Hastings Blossom Festival, video 2 – Bombardier break in Samba
Hastings Blossom Festival, video 3 – Samba Reggae, pattern 2
Hastings Blossom Festival, video 4 – XSticks break in Samba Reggae, pattern 2
Photo galleries
Morning rehearsal
Click on any thumbnail to see the larger version. All photos by Jack from Tauranga:
The parade
Click on any thumbnail to see the larger version. All photos by Jack from Tauranga:
At the end of the parade (1)
Click on any thumbnail to see the larger version. All photos by Jack from Tauranga:
At the end of the parade (2)
Click on any thumbnail to see the larger version. All photos by Alan Shuker: