A bit of a run-through for New Year’s Eve
We’ve been invited to perform at the Courtenay Carnival on New Year’s Eve, and this gig was something of a rehearsal – a first run-through for the organisers, who are new to the game of event management. We were asked to take part in the day’s events.
It was a freezing cold day, which meant that our lovely Green Room at Lulu was very much appreciated (and what a beautiful venue!).
When it was our time to perform, we headed down Allen Street and got into position to play. I had taken off my lovely warm Batucada hoodie to play the gig, and I was seriously regretting having done so. Summer weather it was not.
The crowd was not large, and, like (some) of us, were rugged up against the cold. It never ceases to impress me how our dancers survive these shows with such minimal costuming (maybe they wear sneaky tiny thermals underneath – who knows?) – and we all tried to be as energetic as possible to warm up a bit.
I could see some of our newbie dancers in the crowd, having a fabulous time watching us and practicing our moves in their heads – it won’t be long now until they are signed off and ready to perform.
It was a short but sweet gig – we’d barely got through our first couple of songs before they were signalling us to finish (the previous act had gone over time and I think they wanted to get back on schedule) – so we finished, and trooped off again back to the welcoming warmth of Lulu.
Actually maybe it was a blessing we were out there for such a short time – because it really was freezing. Did I mention that already?
Hopefully the event organisers got a good idea of how things are run now, and are making their final plans ready for the big gig on New Year’s Eve. We’re looking forward to it!
Media coverage
Oh look! here we are in the paper. Nice to get the biggest photo too 🙂
Photo gallery
Photos by Alison Green, Andre Grobler, Kelly Etuata, Kent Nation, Megan Glass, Vicky Lin and Yin Zhu. Click on any thumbnail to see the larger version:
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