A jolly good evening
We were unexpectedly invited to be the “surprise” entertainment at the Summerset Group Christmas Party in Shed 5 on Wellington’s waterfront. A small and experienced group of drummers and dancers was selected, and off we went.
It was a great evening. The Summerset guests absolutely loved us, and it was fabulous to see so many of them up and dancing with us almost immediately. We heard the next day that they had even floated the idea of getting us back to the party to play again much later that evening – which might have been quite interesting.
Our after-gig team photos included an unexpected extra participant whom no-one even noticed – until we checked the photos afterwards. What a cool dude!
Seeing as we were already there, we decided after the gig to go and do a short Ninja performance on the waterfront near Frank Kitts Park. We had a tiny audience of only about 10 people – which didn’t matter at all – as we were playing for ourselves, and the harbour, and the city at dusk. It was lovely.
Photo gallery
Photos by AliG and Kelly Etuata. Click on any thumbnail to see the larger version: